
Customer Support FAQs

How do I submit a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA)?

If you are an international customer and your product is defective, complete the following to submit an RMA:

  1. Contact the Technical Advisory team to troubleshoot your issue and receive a case number.
  2. To complete the RMA Form, on the website, click the Support tab.
  3. Under Product Support, click Return a Product.
  4. Complete all of the required fields. An asterisk (*) indicates the required fields.
  5. Complete the Product IDQty, and Invoice/Purchase Date fields. 
  6. In the Reason drop-down list, select the reason that you are returning the product, and if necessary, include a detailed explanation. You can also put the case number that the Technical Advisor provided in this field.
  7. Click Browse to attach your proof of purchase.
  8. Click Save.
  9. To add additional products, click Add Another Item.
  10. Click Submit.

The RMA team will email you the RMA number, instructions, and any requests for additional information. RMA numbers are valid for 30 calendar days from the date of issue. reserves the right to authorize product returns beyond 30 days, where applicable. International customers may be responsible for shipping or cost of duties to return defective product.

Note: reserves the right to replace the product with a product of equivalent performance at their sole discretion at any time.

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