
Customer Support FAQs

How do I use the Quick Buy Form?

The Quick Buy Form is helpful for customers who buy products frequently and in large quantities. To use the Quick Buy Form, complete the following:

Note: You need a account to place an order using the Quick Buy Form.

  1. On the website, click Login at the top of the page.
  2. Enter your username and password, and click Login.
  3. Click Quick Buy at the top of the page.
  4. On the Quick Buy Form, enter the quantity and product ID of the products that you are interested in purchasing or quoting.
  5. To check the product availability, in the Availability column, click Check Availability.
  6. To add products to your cart, in the Price column, click Add to Cart.
  7. When you finish adding items to your cart, click CHECKOUT at the top of the page.
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