
Product FAQs

How do I install my sound card in Windows XP? (.exe method)

Before you install the device, make sure that your operating system is current (for example, the most recent service pack is installed).

  1. Download the latest drivers from the website at The part number and product ID are on the product packaging.

Note: Windows usually saves the files to the Downloads folder that is associated with your user account (for example, C:\Documents and Settings\your_name\My Documents\Downloads).

  1. After the download is complete, right-click the zip folder that you downloaded, click Extract All, and complete the instructions.
  2. In the list of extracted files, double-click the Setup.exe file.
  3. Complete the instructions to install the device drivers, and restart your computer when prompted to.

Your computer automatically finishes installing the driver and your device should be ready to use.

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